Adson Bipolar Forceps

Adson Bipolar Forceps

Includes 3m cable and connector.
Standard tip or Non-Stick tip available.

Tip Size: Length
0.5, 1 and 1.5mm available 12 cm

Adson Bipolar Forceps are surgical instruments that are used in a variety of procedures to grasp, manipulate and coagulate tissue. They are designed with two insulated tips that can deliver an electrical current to the tissue in order to cauterize or seal blood vessels during surgery. The forceps have a fine and delicate design, allowing for precise control and handling of tissues. The Adson Bipolar Forceps are commonly used in plastic and reconstructive surgery, ophthalmology, and dermatology procedures.

Adson Bipolar Forceps IFU

General Surgical Instruments Brochure