Diagnostic Uterine Manipulator Injector

Diagnostic Uterine Manipulator Injector

A diagnostic uterine manipulator injector is a specialized instrument used in gynecological procedures to both manipulate the uterus and inject contrast media or other substances for diagnostic purposes. This tool is particularly useful in procedures such as hysterosalpingography (HSG), diagnostic laparoscopy, and fertility assessments. The design and functionality of a diagnostic uterine manipulator injector facilitate the positioning of the uterus and the administration of diagnostic agents, which can enhance the accuracy and effectiveness of the diagnostic procedure.

Components and Design

  1. Handle: Ergonomically designed for easy manipulation and control by the surgeon or gynecologist.
  2. Injector Port: An integrated channel that allows for the injection of contrast media or other diagnostic substances into the uterine cavity.
  3. Manipulator Shaft: A long, slender rod that is inserted into the cervix and extends into the uterine cavity. This shaft is designed to manipulate the uterus during the procedure.
  4. Uterine Tip or Cup: The part that contacts and supports the uterus. It may have various designs to accommodate different anatomical needs.
  5. Inflation Balloon: Some models include a balloon that can be inflated inside the uterus to secure the device in place and provide gentle pressure for manipulation.


  • Hysterosalpingography (HSG): A radiographic procedure used to examine the shape and patency of the uterine cavity and fallopian tubes by injecting a contrast medium.
  • Diagnostic Laparoscopy: Used in combination with laparoscopy to manipulate the uterus and inject diagnostic agents to enhance visualization of the reproductive organs.
  • Fertility Assessments: Used to assess uterine and tubal patency and structure as part of fertility evaluations.
  • Hysteroscopy: Sometimes used to manipulate the uterus during hysteroscopic examinations and treatments.


  1. Enhanced Visualization: Allows for better visualization of the uterine cavity and fallopian tubes during diagnostic procedures.
  2. Accurate Diagnosis: Facilitates the accurate delivery of contrast media, which can improve the diagnostic quality of imaging studies.
  3. Improved Manipulation: Provides better control and positioning of the uterus, which can enhance the overall effectiveness of diagnostic procedures.
  4. Safety: Designed to reduce the risk of injury to the uterine and cervical tissues during insertion and manipulation.


  1. Preparation: The patient is positioned appropriately, often in a lithotomy position.
  2. Insertion: The manipulator injector is carefully inserted into the vaginal canal and through the cervix into the uterine cavity.
  3. Inflation (if applicable): The balloon, if present, is inflated to secure the device within the uterus.
  4. Injection: Contrast media or diagnostic substances are injected through the injector port.
  5. Manipulation: The uterus is manipulated as needed to ensure optimal distribution of the contrast media and to provide the necessary diagnostic views.
  6. Imaging: Radiographic, fluoroscopic, or laparoscopic images are taken to assess the uterine and tubal structures.
  7. Removal: The manipulator injector is gently removed after the diagnostic procedure is complete.

Types and Variations

  1. Disposable vs. Reusable: Disposable manipulators are designed for single-use to ensure sterility. Reusable devices can be sterilized and used multiple times.
  2. Inflatable vs. Non-inflatable Tips: Some models include an inflatable balloon for secure placement, while others rely on a fixed tip design.
  3. Simple vs. Complex Designs: Basic models may have a straightforward injection port, while more advanced models may include additional features such as articulating tips for enhanced manipulation.

The diagnostic uterine manipulator injector is a valuable tool in gynecological diagnostics, offering enhanced control and precision in procedures that require both uterine manipulation and the administration of diagnostic agents.