Hand Controlled Forceps

Hand Controlled Forceps

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Hand-controlled forceps are surgical instruments used to grasp, manipulate, or dissect tissue during a surgical procedure. They are typically made of high-quality stainless steel and consist of two blades or tongs that are connected at one end with a pivot point.

Hand-controlled forceps come in a variety of shapes and sizes, depending on the specific surgical procedure being performed. They may have straight or curved blades, and may be designed for specific types of tissue, such as delicate or dense tissue.

The handle of hand-controlled forceps is designed to be easily gripped and manipulated by the surgeon or surgical assistant. They may be spring-loaded or manually operated, and may feature locking mechanisms to hold the blades in place during surgery.

Proper training and experience are necessary to use hand-controlled forceps safely and effectively. Healthcare professionals must be familiar with the specific instrument being used, as well as the potential risks and complications associated with its use. Additionally, care must be taken to ensure that the forceps are properly cleaned and sterilized before each use to prevent the spread of infection.