Straight Monopolar Forceps

Straight Monopolar Forceps

Standard tip includes 3m cable and connector.

Tip: Length
0.5, 1, 1.5 and 2mm available 20 cm

Straight monopolar forceps are surgical instruments used for grasping, dissecting, and coagulating tissue during various surgical procedures. They are called “monopolar” because they are designed to work in conjunction with a monopolar electrocautery device, which uses electrical current to coagulate tissue and control bleeding.

Straight monopolar forceps are designed with two long, thin blades that are joined at one end by a hinge. The blades are typically serrated to provide a better grip on tissue, and they can be straight or angled to allow access to different areas of the body. One blade is stationary, while the other is movable and controlled by a handle at the opposite end of the instrument.

During surgery, the surgeon uses the monopolar forceps to grasp and manipulate tissue while applying electrical current through the instrument to coagulate and cut the tissue as necessary. Straight monopolar forceps are commonly used in a variety of surgical procedures, including general surgery, urology, gynecology, and neurosurgery.