Dressing Forceps – Titanium

Dressing Forceps – Titanium

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Titanium dressing forceps are surgical instruments used to handle dressings, gauze, and other materials during medical procedures. They are designed to provide a precise and secure grip on the materials, making it easier for surgeons and nurses to manipulate them as needed. Titanium is a popular material for medical instruments because of its strength, durability, and resistance to corrosion. Titanium dressing forceps are lightweight and easy to use, which makes them a popular choice for medical professionals who need to work quickly and efficiently in the operating room. They come in a variety of sizes and shapes to suit different types of procedures and patient needs.

Schultz Medical are leading Manufacturers of Titanium Dressing Forceps

All medical instruments from Schultz Medical are Made in the UK.
CE certified products from an ISO 9001 & 13485 accredited company.